Next GO TEXAN Texas Twitter Tuesday: Taste & Tweet with Jim Johnson from Alamosa Wine Cellars
The next GO TEXAN Texas Twitter Tuesday is Tuesday, April 5 at 7 p.m. Make plans to chat with Jim Johnson of Alamosa Wine Cellars, who has been growing grapes and making wine in Texas since 1996 and was the first to produce a Tempranillo in Texas. He has also pioneered other Mediterranean grape varieties such as Viognier, Sangiovese, and Syrah. He’ll be talking about plans to establish a Texas chapter of TAPAS – the Tempranillo Advocates, Producers and Amigos Society. He’ll also share what he thinks are good varietals to grow in his part of the Texas Hill Country.
Ask Jim questions on Texas wines, how Texas wines compare to those of California and Europe, what grape varieties will be “keepers” for Texas and Texas wine drinkers, and give him your feedback on your impressions of his wines.
As part of Twitter Tuesday, pick up one or more of these three Alamosa wines: 2007 Scissortail (Marsanne, Roussane, Viognier), 2005 El Guapo (Tempranillo), and 2008 Texacaia (Sangiovese, Tempranillo, Syrah and Graciano) and get ready to taste and tweet.
To chat with Jim, follow him on Twitter @alamosawineguy. You can also follow Alamosa Winery at @alamosawine and use the hashtag #GOTEXAN.
If you’re new to Twitter, here’s how you participate: just sign up for a free Twitter account at Go to the Tweetchat room set up for Texas Twitter Tuesdays: No registration is required. In the Tweetchat room, participants are invited to follow tweets, add comments, and share thoughts. In the chartroom, the hashtag #GOTEXAN is automatically added to your tweets.
However, participants should use the hashtag #GOTEXAN with Tweets, if using TweetDeck or another Twitter tools from their computer, Pad or smartphone.

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