Write Off the Vine: Texas Wine News – December 12, 2009
So you Want to Grow Grapes in Texas…it Pays to Have Information on Your side.
Welcome to the Texas Winegrape Network, a comprehensive information resource for grape growers and wine makers.
Educational Opportunities
Viticulture & Enology Academic Program – Texas Tech
Viticulture Certificate Program
Prospective Wine Grower Workshops
Advanced Wine Grower Workshops
“It should be understood that climate is only one factor in the complex of factors which determines the commercial success of a viticultural enterprise.”
More information at: http://winegrapes.tamu.edu/
Favorite Texas Wine Bars: Wine Lovers Havens
The concept of the “wine bar” is a fairly recent one. The oldest wine bar we found was opened, interestingly enough, not in California, but in Paris, in 1980. The concept is a great one for the way folks live today.
Favorite Texas Wine Bars: Austin
Favorite Texas Wine Bars: Dallas-Fort Worth
Favorite Texas Wine Bars: East Texas
Favorite Texas Wine Bars: Hill Country
Favorite Texas Wine Bars: Houston & Vicinity
Favorite Texas Wine Bars: San Antonio
Favorite Texas Wine Bars: South Texas
Favorite Texas Wine Bars: West Texas
For details on Chef Terry Thompson-Anderson’s list of Texas wine bars, go to: http://www.thetexasfoodandwinegourmet.com/winebars.asp
Texas Wine Country Escape
An affordable alternative to an Italian vineyard retreat lies just west of Austin in the heart of Texas Hill Country. Surrounded by crystal-clear rivers and gorgeous rolling hills, the 24 wineries of this fast-growing wine region offer year-round tours and tastings of newly released wines. Less than ten minutes away from six popular wineries, Rose Hill Manor provides upscale accommodations in the heart of historic Fredericksburg. All sunlit guestrooms and individual cottages have private porches with additional perks like in-room massages (available at reasonable rates). Book your 3-night stay at the classic country inn for the low price of $635. Available year-round from Sunday through Thursday, the 3-Night Special includes three full breakfasts and one 4-course gourmet dinner for two.
More details and booking info, go to: http://www.shermanstravel.com/blogs/daily_deal/1183/texas-wine-country-escape/
Texas Spiced Wine Recipe
This recipe for Texas Spiced Wine, by Amber Deem-Scheppler, is from Our Family Cookbook , one of the cookbooks created at FamilyCookbookProject.com. We help families or individuals create heirloom cookbook treasures. Learn more about the process to create a cookbook — or start your own personal family cookbook right now! Here’s to good eating!
Search for more great recipes here from over 200,000 in our family cookbooks!
Ingredients: 1 bottle of Midnight in Texas or Sweet Rodeo Red wine (my favorites).
Mulling Spice
1 bottle of apple juice.
Medium saucepan
Directions: Pour equal parts wine and apple juice in the saucepan and stir over a medium – low heat.
Add mulling spice to taste and continue stirring until well blended and heated thru. Serve in mugs and enjoy!
More receipes at: http://www.familycookbookproject.com/view_recipesite.asp?rid=2499530&uid=55923&sid=123157
Feb 18-20, 2010 Texas Wine and Grape Growers Association Annual Conference, Richardson, TX
Event Type: Trade Show,Seminars and Classes
The 34th Annual Conference of the Texas Wine and Grape Grower’s Association is a excellent opportunity to develop new business through networking and one-on-one interaction with the southwest wine and grape industry. Space for exhibitors will be assigned on first come, first reserved basis. Make sure you register early – early bird special ends 11/30/2009.
More information at: www.txwine.org/conference
Selling Texas wine to Yankees
By WES MARSHALL / Special Contributor to The Dallas Morning News
The Texas Agriculture Department recently put together a wine demo trip to New York in hopes of getting wine and food journalists past the mind-set of “if it isn’t from a state touching the Pacific Ocean, it can’t be any good.”
Winemakers are a touchy group when one winery gets more publicity than another, so the state decided to ask a nonwinemaker – me – to go to talk about Texas wines.
Joining me were recovering New Yorker Paula Disbrowe (chef and author of Cowgirl Cuisine), and former Oakland Raiders defensive tackle and current Texas vineyard owner Alphonse Dotson. Together, we took on the big, bad New York media world like the Three Musketeers (for literary buffs, I would be Porthos).
Frommers Winery Recommendations in Texas Hill Country
There are lots of wineries and b&b’s in the Fredericksburg area. The town is very charming with lots of shops, also close to Enchanted Rock. It’s about an hour and a half from Austin. This is a beautiful time of the year to visit.
We stayed in the hill country this past October for a birthday trip. Driftwood Estate Winery — www.driftwoodyvineyards.com — has a beautiful setting at the top of a hill. Great views and we liked their wine too. Another we liked was Texas Hills Vineyard — www.texashillsvineyard.com — which has what they call “Kick Butt Cab.” At both, you should ask about how they got started; they love to share their history and passion for their vineyards and wine-growing in Texas in general.
There are lots of B&B’s in this area, but we stayed at Blair House Inn — www.blairhouseinn.com. Rooms are cute and small, very well decorated, and several comfortable sitting areas both inside and outside. They even had a DVD library from which to choose movies for watching in your room. If you can afford it, get a cottage which has much more space and privacy. Breakfast was delicious.
Cotton Gin Cabernet Grill Texas Wine Country Restaurant
The Cabernet Grill Texas Wine Country Restaurant in the Cotton Gin Village serves unique Hill Country Cuisine, Steaks and Seafood in a casual environment. This award wining restaurant has been ranked as the #1 restaurant in the nation by TripAdvisor.com June of 2008.
Executive Chef Ross Burtwell specializes in preparing only the freshest seafood, Certified Angus Beef, wild game and ranch fare for his Fredericksburg guests. Your every need will be catered to by our professional, yet “Texas friendly” staff. They will guide you through a wine list that features over 75 selections of wines from around the State of Texas.
With the Cabernet Grill Restaurant centered in the heart of Texas Wine Country we are proud to boast the largest restaurant based Texas Wine list available anywhere. The Cabernet Grill also offers a full bar of premium liquor and beer. In addition to the restaurant we also offer romantic log cabin bed and breakfast lodging.
Visit www.CottonGinVillage.com for info.

Looking for Mulling Spice Fredericksburg TX wineries – We live in Fredericksburg TX but so far have been unable to find this.
Thanks for your help.
Please send a reply – this is for my best friend who lives in Phoenix AZ.