#TweetThoughts: French Oak in Texas
#TweetThoughts: French Oak in Texas This Tweet from @Messina_Hof got me thinking about two things: What would 213 French Oak barrels cost? From a quick search, I found that the cost French Oak barrels can […]
#TweetThoughts: French Oak in Texas This Tweet from @Messina_Hof got me thinking about two things: What would 213 French Oak barrels cost? From a quick search, I found that the cost French Oak barrels can […]
Bar Z Winery: Mellow and Mature… These are Monty’s Wines If you are not familiar Monty Dixon’s Bar Z Winery in Canyon, Texas, I recommend highly recommend a visit – via an extended road trip, […]
A “Chardonnay-Year” for the Texas Hill Country & Pilot Knob and Robert Clay Vineyards It was an early August day 2014, when I visited Dan McLaughlin’s Robert Clay Vineyard in Mason. I was directed by […]
TEXSOM Celebrates 11 Years as Nation’s Premier Sommelier Education Conference: Sessions and Registration Presently celebrating its eleventh year, TEXSOM, the most prominent and influential sommelier education conference in the world, announces that registration is now open […]
Dotson~Cervantes Something Red: And, Definitely Worth the Wait We met in Mason on a Saturday in September not really knowing much more than what Alphonse Dotson told me over the phone earlier in the week. […]
VintageTexas 2012 Top Texas Wines – Honorable Mentions, For Darn Good Reasons Too! As I have learned in previous years, even when I list what I believe to be the ten best Texas wines, there […]
And You Thought That Texas Wines Were Only for the Moment! Earlier this week I perused an online article on the Dallas Morning New website titled, “The best Texas wines — all made from Texas […]
Kiepersol Estates: A Wineslinger’s Swirl, Sniff and Taste of a Fine Texas Wine This was my first venture back into east Texas this year and the first since my previous visit to Kiepersol Estates that […]
Texsom 2012: What a Tasting Opportunity… From Margaux to Mason County Texas The Sunday morning session began with a rush of servers, Sommeliers of all types with varying degrees of certification, pouring to over a […]
VintageTexas Wine Wiz Quiz: Know Your Spanish Wines 1. Spain is ranked where in wine production in the world? a. First b. Second c. Third d. Sixth 2. Which is NOT a Spainsh Wine Producing […]