Tis the Season to be Blogging: Wine Recommendations from the Social Network
It’s the holiday party season, a time to celebrate with family and friends sharing good food and drink while we take time to count our blessings and find ways to help those less fortunate.
Recently on the social networking site Twitter (www.twitter.com), I posted the following tweet:
“Would you take a bottle of Texas wine to a friend’s dinner party? If so which one? Pls tweet response-Blogging need input #TXWine #LocalWine”
Note: The ‘hashtags’ at the end of my tweet are used to tag tweets. This helps you finding comments on Twitter on topics that interest you – e.g. I use #TXWine for Texas Wine and #LocalWine for locally produced wines not from CA, OR, WA or NY.
The responses came back loud and clear….a resounding Yes! No regrets needed. Some of the tweets that I received are given below:
Ashley Rodgers (@ashrodg) a public relationship professional specializing in hospitality industry at Wagstaff Wordwide recommended a special wine, by saying “Yes, I would take a bttl of TX wine to a party. Viognier by McPherson Cellars in Lubbock. Great wine.”
Andrew Collins (@cyberjunkie21) from Round Rock, Texas showed a broad horizon on Texas wines and said, “anything from Haak Winery for sure. I also like Fall Creek’s Meritus”
Hill Country Wines (@hcwine) provided the following advice for those looking for some variety or who have multiple parties to attend and friends to please, “Hard 2 choose. Becker Raven, Mandola Sangiovese, Rancho Ponte 3M, Lost Creek Buddy’s Select, and several good Viogniers out there.”
RR Brian (@rockplace2be) Emerging wine enthusiast, love traveling especially in TX, tech nut and wannabe socialpreneur emphatically said, “Of course I’d bring TXWine! Last was Messina Hof Pinot Grigio. Still exploring other TX Wineries; via Bluebonnet Wine Trail”
Ben Simons (@vinotology) Web Project Manager, wine enthusiast and blogger, dog owner from Lubbock, Texas held the following position, “I have taken Texas wine to dinner parties in the past. I have brought a Becker Malbec and Viognier both.”
TexasWineTweets (@TexasWineTweets) said, “Yes! Inwood Palomino Chard, Mandola Dolcetto, Llano Viviano, McPherson Sangiovese, & LightCatcher Dry Orange Muscat.”
Kathy Sullivan (@aboutwine), a wine enthusiast and writer for http://www.winetrailtraveler.com made the following observation, “Texas is making numerous good wines! I would suggest a Viognier from Brennan Vineyards”.
Brian Kirby (@TheOther46), a self-proclaimed ‘passionate wino’ from Florida said, “Absolutely. In fact, I would bring two. The 2005 San Martino Tempranillo and the 2007 Llano Estacado Cabernet Sauvignon.”
Larry Lentz (@CRMLarry), Microsoft Dynamics CRM MVP, SBSC, MCT, computer guy from San Antonio acknowledges his dilemma and said, ”Yes I’d bring a Texas wine to a party. Which one is a much harder question: Grape Creek, Spicewood, Woodrose come to mind”
KenW (@alawine), from Santa Rosa California showed a surprising knowledge of Texas wines for a Californian and professed, “I’d take Brennan Vineyards Viognier. Sure to satisfy wide range of dinner guests. Delicious fruit, clean, crisp & <$20”
Kim Padget (@KimPadgett), PR, Marketing represents luxury goods, vineyards/wine, restaurants, non-profits, designers, special events promotion, technology, energy, healthcare, celebs, gave her perspective in response to the question, “Would you take a bottle of Texas wine to a friend’s dinner party? Messina Hof port and cab franc!”
Jack Keller (@JackKellerWine) of Pleasanton, Texas (Winemaker, certified wine judge, author of world’s largest winemaking website, and author of the first wine blog ever on the internet) said, “I just did, Sunday. Becker Vineyards 2005 Granite Hill Merlot Reserve. It was well received.”
If you are have any doubt what to pour at your special holiday festivities, these recommendations should give you lots of choices.
How to Find Texas Wines
If you find that your local wine shop or market do not carry the Texas wine you are looking for, please asking them to add them to their shelves. Merchants, if they have any smarts at all, should respond to the requests of their customers. If not find another store.
Secondly, you can contact Texas wineries directly by phone or email and they can legally ship you the wines you purchase. Online and phone orders are a growing part of the sales at Texas wineries.
A list of Texas wineries participating in the GOTEXAN program from the Texas Department of Agriculture is available at: http://www.gotexanwine.org/findwinesandwineries/#wineListIntro_
Have happy holidays and with lots of Texas cheer.
With the holiday season fast approaching, Texans are invited to kick off the festivities by hosting a Texas Two-Sip tasting. The Texas Two-Sip is a novel way to introduce holiday guests to Texas wines and support the growing “locapour” [Pour Local Wine] movement.
“Texas wines are a lot like Texans themselves – diverse from region to region and full of character,” Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples said. “A Texas Two-Sip tasting is the perfect opportunity to show off Texas wine and support the Texas wine industry.”
A Texas Two-Sip tasting is a blind tasting of Texas wines alongside comparable non-Texas wines from the United States or other wine regions around the world. Selected by sommeliers, the pairings compare a variety of wines.
More at: https://vintagetexas.com/?p=1289

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