The Wine Society of Texas Reaches $30,000 Mark in Texas Wine Scholarships
The Wine Society of Texas (WST), a 501c3 non-profit educational organization, announced that this year it is awarding grants totaling $5,000 in support of ten individuals from around the State.
This is the tenth consecutive year that the WST has provided grant assistance through the Scholarship Grant Program providing over $30,000 in total.This scholarship assistance program is consistent with the founding ideas of WST and its continued mission to enhance the appreciation of wines, foster the knowledge of enology and viticulture, support charitable activities, and educate wine consumers throughout the State of Texas.
The funding for the WST Scholarship program is provided from charitable donations, local WST Chapter fund raising events, and annual statewide wine events/competitions.
The following are this year’s award recipients:
$750 awarded to Todd Webster. Todd is currently the winemaker at Brennan Vineyards and plans to use the funds for education programs at Washington State University.
$750 awarded to Rich Gold. Rich will be enrolling in the Certificate Program in Viticulture at Texas Tech University and the Texas Agrilife Extension Service of Texas A&M University.
$750 awarded to Chris Berger. Chris is currently enrolled in the Texas Tech Viticulture/Oenology program and works at CapRock Winery.
$750 awarded to Anjalika Avants. Angie attends the Conrad N. Hilton College for Hotel & Restaurant Management and hopes to focus on the wine industry after graduation.
$500 awarded to Cassandra Plank. Cassandra is currently enrolled in the Texas Tech University Viticulture/Enology program as a PhD candidate.
$500 awarded to Joshua Fritsche. Joshua plans to enroll in the Texas Tech University Viticulture Certificate program.
$250 awarded to Channing Fawcett. Channing is enrolled at the Conrad N. Hilton College for Hotel & Restaurant Management Master’s program.
$250 awarded to Cameron Barber. Cameron is enrolled at Texas Tech University and will use the financial assistance to pay for Viticulture and Wine Production classes.
$250 awarded to Spenser Igo. Spenser is enrolled in the Viticulture/Enology program at Texas Tech University and is interning at McPherson Cellars.
$250 awarded to Shi Wang. Shi is in the Masters Program at Texas Tech University in Plant & Soil Sciences and wants to study more about grape growing.
“The Wine Society of Texas is pleased to continue its long tradition of providing meaningful scholarships to worthy individuals. This is our way of going local to support Texas talent and invest in the future of the Texas wine industry”, said Ms. Elizabeth Lutton, State President of the WST.
For more information about the scholarship program or the WST please visit or contact WST by phone (210-863-3684).
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See The Wine Society of Texas, Houston Chapter Q4 2011 Newsletter for more news, events and articles on Texas wine: WST-GHNewsletter4Q11A .

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