Write Off the Vine – Texas Wine News: Holiday Season Edition
Celebrate the Holidays with a Free Glass of Texas Wine at Antlers
By John Griffin (SavorSA)
As the days dwindle down to Christmas, it’s time to take a few moments off to enjoy a good dinner and a relaxing glass of wine.
The folks at Antlers in the Hyatt Hill Country, 9800 Hyatt Resort Drive, are helping you do just. From Thursday-Saturday, Dec. 22-24, the restaurant is offering a free glass of Texas wine as part of a promotion to show you how they are using the best local and sustainable ingredients available. And what better to enjoy with local foods than a glass of local wine?
Limit one per adult. For details:
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Texas Wine of the Month: Messina Hof Solera Texas, 2004
Jessica Dupuy (Texas Monthly / Eat My Words Blog)
They say it’s the Top Texas Wine for 2012. By they, we mean the judges from the Houston Live Stock Show and Rodeo Uncorked! International Wine Competition. As part of the state’s most lauded rodeo’s, the wine competition bestows a Texas-sized stamp of approval on wines from all over the world.
By Top Texas Wine, we mean the Messina Hof Solera Texas, 2004, a Texas version of a sherry-style wine made from 100% Black Spanish (Lenoir) grapes grown at the Bryan-based vineyard. (Note: Black Spanish is one of Texas’ native grapes and grows well in just about all parts of the state.) This unique wine sits at the cream of the crop as one of nine Overall Show Award winners including wines from Italy, France, Spain, California and Washington State.
More: http://www.texasmonthly.com/blogs/eatmywords/?p=5508
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Last-minute Christmas shopping includes wine courses
By Ron Saikowski (Houston Wine Walk)
Only four more days until Christmas and what are you going to give to your office friends, your neighbors and your best friend who has everything. Try personalized wine courses from the Texas Wine School in West University. James King, of the Texas Wine School has a variety courses on wines through the world. For more information about these wine courses, call James King at 713-882-8773 or email him at jamesking@thetexaswineschool.com.
For more year end gift ideas:
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Start your New Year’s Celebration with Haak Vineyards & Winery!
Reservations Required
Start your New Year’s Celebration with Haak Vineyards & Winery!
Prepare to enjoy a delicious meal, great wine and music by Robert Greaney (www.robertgreaney.com) to help celebrate the upcoming New Year. You will be able to go to a second party or make it home to ring in the New Year.
Entertainer: Robert Greaney captivates audiences with his electrifying guitar playing and silky vocals. As a solo artist, he’s able to blend different musical styles together to create his own unique sound. From rock, blues, jazz, country, island tunes, and his own original music…he plays it all.
Robert has done session work and played lead guitar and sang for many successful bands. He shifted his efforts to a solo performer in 2000 and uses “background tracks” to project the sound of a full band.
Cost is $125 per couple (plus 6.25% tax or $7.82)
NEW PACKAGE OFFERING WITH HOTEL ACCOMODATIONS: The deluxe hotel room, breakfast with black eyed peas and late check out on New Year’s Day is included in the ticket price. Ticket price is $204 plus 6.25% tax per couple (this includes the hotel and event price). Haak event staff will contact hotel with reservation information for guests once online reservation is made.
More at: http://www.haakwine.com/events/event_schedule.php
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VINCLUSIVE Wine Event at Messina Hof Winery & Resort (January 20-21, 2012)
Whether you consider yourself a connoisseur of fine wines or a wine-curious novice, sharpen your palate and gain an intimate appreciation for winemaking with Messina Hof’s upcoming Vinclusive Event.
A two night stay in our romantic Villa. After check-in join us Friday night from 7:00-8:30 pm for a “Mixer” featuring a class on Wine Cocktails with light hors d’ouevres being served.
Saturday: A hot gourmet Champagne breakfast awaits you the next morning. Then join us in the vineyard and learn about Pruning with this hands- on seminar and a cup of hot mulled wine. Enjoy a luncheon in the Vineyard Room and then on to the Cellar Room for an afternoon of Barrel Tasting! Take a sneak peek into the world of Winemaking and enjoy the unique opportunity of tasting wine during the aging process. Our Barrel Tasting Seminar will give you a glimpse of how our barrel wines will taste once they have aged. At the end of the day, enjoy a magnificent Winemaker’s Feast in the Vineyard Room offering a four course Chef’s Menu highlighting Messina Hof Wines.
Sunday: Wake up to a hot gourmet Champagne Breakfast before you check-out. You may want to stay the afternoon and participate in a complimentary tour and wine tasting.
Day Package also available.
More: http://messinahof.com/vinclusive.php

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