It’s Now Official: Texas Wine is the Official Wine of the Texas Hamburger!
Super-Size Your Texas Hamburger with a Glass of Texas Wine
Calling all Texas wineries and Texas Hamburger lovers, too.
According to “Hambassador” Rick Vanderpool, “It’s time to name your favorite Texas wine that you think is best-paired with the Texas Hamburger.” Why?
Well, the Texas Wine and Grape Growers Association Board of Directors recently voted to adopt the Texas Wine as “The Official Wine of the Texas Hamburger”. They encouraged Texas Wineries to select one of their wines that’s the perfect compliment for the Texas Hamburger and market this wine on their winery’s website. TWGGA is also going to update winery members’ information on the association website with the wine chosen to pair with the Texas Hamburger.
How did Rick become the Hambassador of Texas? Well, I guess if I can be the self-appointed Czar of Texas wine (click here), Rick has all the right to be the Texas Hambassador. His qualifications include an authoritative book on the hamburger’s roots and lineage in Texas titled, “The Texas Hamburger: History of a Lone Star Icon“. He has also traveled Texas doing his “research” in burger joints all around the state that he documented in a slick new Texas burger poster complete with his photographs of many of the burger joints and shacks he’s visited.

Hambassor Rick said, “According to my research, the hamburger goes back to its genesis at the patty shaping hands of Fletcher “Short” Davis in the late 1880’s. “Ol Dave” as he was called made it at his Fletcher Davis Lunch Counter in Athens, TX. The rest is just left to history that I track in my book.” Details at: The Texas Hamburger Poster Details.
He continued and said, “What better match for our Texas burgers than our very own Texas wines. Any self-respecting Texan just wouldn’t accept a California wine if served with his Texas burger”.
I can’t argue with that…
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Rick and I would like to hear from you. What do you think about Texas wine, The Official Wine of the Texas Hamburger? and what Texas wine do you choose? Give us your feedback!
Please post your comments and suggestions. Enjoy!

Tell you what, my Texas Wineslinging amigo – for any of your readers who wish to order a copy of either my Texas Hamburger or Texas Wine print – from the site ONLY – I will give them a 2-fer (a copy of each print – signed – for the price of one print)… Thanks for the coverage!
Best regards,
I’m going with TX Tempranillo. Let’s do this right to accurately come up with the official burger wine. We should do a blind tasting with a handful of bottles paired with various burgers. I’m happy to be a taster.
Cheers, Matt
I agree that’s a good start. But for summer, I’m not against a good rose’ like the one we had last weekend (Current) at William Chris Vineyards in Hye. TX….Especially, if it has cheese and guacamole on it.
I agree with Matt that a solid Tempranillo would blend well with the spice found in TX burgers, as well as the quality beef used by most chefs. But you also have a point that rose’ works well in summer, especially dry ones like the Current. Some of the reds at Duchman would be great too.