Tweet Chat with a Real Live Master Sommelier about Texas Wine
The next GO TEXAN Twitter Tuesday will be held on July 5 at 7 p.m. During the Twitter chat, the Texas Department of Agriculture will talk about the fourth annual GO TEXAN Restaurant Round-up, July 25-31. This statewide restaurant week promotes restaurants that serve local foods and Texas wines, while also donating a portion of the proceeds to local food banks.
The Texas Twitter Tuesday guest will be Master Sommelier Drew Hendricks, beverage director for Pappas Bros. Steakhouse, a GO TEXAN Restaurant participating once again in Round-Up. He will taste and talk about these three wines:
- McPherson Cellars Viognier
- Duchman Family Winery Dolcetto
- Sandstone Cellars VII (100% Touriga Nacional)
We hope you can pick up one or more of the wines above and participate in the Texas Twitter Tuesday. During the Twitter chat, you can follow Drew on Twitter @drewhendricksms and GO TEXAN @GOTEXAN. Please use the hashtag #GOTEXAN and share your tweets with others following the hastag for Texas wine: #TXwine. Vintage Texas will be there on Twitter @VintageTexas
Here’s your chance to ask a real live certified Master Sommelier all the questions about Texas wines that you been wondering about:
- How are things going with respect to Texas wine quality?
- What kinds of foods do Texas wines pair well with?
- What are the varieties of grapes that grow well here and make the best Texas wines?
- What part of the wine world, is Texas similar to (if any)?
- Are Tempranillo and Viognier the best grapes for Texas? Are there others to watch for?
- I’m sure that you have other questions specific to your interests….
If you’re new to Twitter, here’s how you participate: just sign up for a free Twitter account at Go to the Tweetchat room set up for Texas Twitter Tuesdays: No registration is required. In the Tweetchat room, participants are invited to follow tweets, add comments, and share thoughts. Participants should use the hashtag #GOTEXAN with Tweets, if using TweetDeck or another tool.
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Do you want a full immersion into wine and, in particular, the way Master Sommeliers view them? Texans (and those interested in coming here for a wine visit) have an opporunity to attend the upcoming 2011 TexSom Conference, August 13-15th at the Four Seasons Resort and Club, Las Calinas, Texas (in the DFW area).
Students and wine-interested civilians travel from as far away as Oregon and Georgia to attend the two days of classes and tastings. According to Master Sommelier Drew Hendricks, one of the conference’s founders, “Every year our conference and competition get more diverse. Although we created this event to serve our local community, we now serve as a model for sommeliers worldwide, and the potential is amazing. I can’t say enough about all the new faces and the future of our industry.”

I wish that TexSomm didn’t take place so close to the Wine Blogger’s Conference (which I already registered for!) Maybe I will start alternating; one year I’ll attend WBC and the following year, come to your event!