The Wine Society of Texas Announces 2011 Scholarship Grant Program
Applications sought for grants of up to $5,000 in assistance for the education, internship or field study, and appreciation of wine
The Wine Society of Texas (WST), a 501c3 non-profit educational organization, recently announced that it is accepting applications for its annual Scholarship Grant Program. In order to apply for the grant, individuals must be: (a) attending institutions around the State of Texas studying viticulture and oenology, or (b) pursuing winery internships in Texas, or (c) involved with Texas winemaking or field studies / wine education. Grants may be given depending on the quality of requests in the amount totaling up to $5,000 by the WST to promote the wine education focusing on improving grape growing and wine making in the State of Texas. The scholarship program is consistent with the founding idea of WST and its continued mission to enhance the appreciation of wines, foster the knowledge of oenology and viticulture, support charitable activities, promote winemaking, and to educate.
According to Ms. Elizabeth Lutton WST President, “The WST Scholarship program offers financial assistance for tuition, books, or for related travel expenses for individuals registered or in a program of study with a Texas university or college offering accredited courses in viticulture or oenology. Financial assistance can also be provided for winery internships in Texas or for Texas winemaker studies. The funding for the WST Scholarship program is provided from charitable donations, local WST Chapter fund raising events, and various WST statewide wine events such as the wine education seminars.”
WST has awarded over $23,000 in grants over the past 6 years. The awards have been used for a variety of purposes – research for the Texas wine industry including Pierce’s disease, Wine Symposium and Conferences, financial assistance for students attending Viticulture or Hotel Management programs, wine sommelier studies, and authors.
The WST will be accepting applications through 30 APRIL 2011. All applications must be returned by this date, fully completed, to The Wine Society of Texas. Applicants are required to fill out the WST Scholarship Application, which will be reviewed by the WST Scholarship Committee. The committee may recommend single or multiple awards depending on the quality of applications received. All decisions will be final and applying does not guarantee receiving a grant. The WST scholarship award(s) will be announced around 1 July 2011.
For more information about the scholarship program or the WST please visit our website at www.winesocietyoftexas.org.
Name: ____________________________________________
Street Address: _____________________________________
City, State, Zip: ___________ _________________________
Phone: ____________________________________________
Email: ____________________________________________
Institution / Organization: ___________________________
Field of Study: _____________________________________
Graduation Date: ___________________________________
Current Grade point: _______________________________ (provide copy of transcript as applicable)
Is this application for continuing education ___, internship ___, or field study ___ (check one). If more room is needed for response in any of areas listed below, please append additional sheets, resume or related information.
Summarize the proposed use of the financial assistance as it relates to grape growing, winemaking or wine appreciation:
Summarize your personal long range goals and relative importance of wine education:
Summarize any financial need considerations:
Summary Relevant background and experience (include resume & transcripts):
By applying for the WST grant you may be asked to provide a summary of the usage of the grant monies received. In addition, you may be asked to present at a local WST function. Do you agree with both of these conditions?
Please check a response. ____ Yes ____ No If Not List Reason:_________________________________
Please fax or email completed application by 30 April 2011 to: The Wine Society of Texas, Doug Scheiding, Scholarship Committee Chairman, Fax # – 210-348-8979 or direct email: doug@winesocietyoftexas.org.

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