Austin County Fair: First Ever Non-Commercial Winemakers Show
There’s a new event at this year’s Austin County Fair….A Winemakers Contest.
Homemade wines are a South Central Texas tradition that have stretched back from generation to generation. It seems that everyone that makes their own wine has their own special family secret that makes theirs special to them. This is your opportunity to show just how good your wine tastes to the rest of the county.
The Austin County Grape Growers Committee along with the Austin County Fair Board is inviting all amateur or home wine makers to enter the inaugural Austin County Fair Non-Commercial Wine Show. The judging and show will take place on Saturday, October, 2009, prior to the opening of the Austin County Fair. Any non commercial or amateur winemaker is encouraged to enter. Participants in the show are not limited to the number of entries.
Entries are $10.00 per sample. Entries can be taken early at the Austin County Fair Office, or you may enter the day of the show. Judging will begin at 1:00 p.m. at the Austin County Fair Pavilion and Expo Center in Bellville.
The judging will be followed by a tasting upon the completion of the show. Gold, silver and bronze medallions will be awarded to the top placers in each category, and belt buckles will be given to the Best of Show and Runner Up.
For more information on the Austin County Fair, go to:
Information on the Wine Show is available at:
and the entry form is available at:

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