At Texsom: Muscat beyond Moscato is where Texas is at!
It’s only the first day of the Texsom 2013 Texas Sommelier Conference at the Four Seasons Las Colinas and I’ve already found that Texas wines are relevant, especially when it comes to growing and making wine from the Muscat grape.
Unfortunately, the session did not highlight a Texas version of this highly characteristic grape. But, it was clear in the session titled “Muscat and Beyond” the flexibility of this grape (that just happens to grow well in Texas) has fueled the Muscat explosion in the wine industry with upwards of 25% growth year of year.
Variable wine styles – Muscat can accommodate that; variable crop loads – Muscat and handle that, too. Great tropical, floral and citrusy flavor and aroma component – Muscat’s got it covered.
We tasted wines from Austria, Alsace, Sutter Home (California but really from Chilean grapes), Italy, Sardinia, Australia. Please keep in mind that while not in this tasting – Texas is home to wonderfully floral dry, semi-sweet and full blown sweet Muscat wines.
I’m just glad to see that Texas with its focus on this currently very popular grape is keeping in step with the hip, rappin’ good wine fad of Moscato, and also knowing that it was popular here in Texas well in advance of the fad.

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