Wine Wiz Quiz – What do you know about the Argentine Mendoza Wine Growing Region?
The Mendoza wine growing region of Argentina has many attributes similar to the Texas High Plains appellation. Let’s find out how much you know about The Mendoza. Send your answers to me at The top three responses will be acknowledged on VintageTexas on May 20, 2009.
1. How long of a trip is Mendoza wine growing region by car over the Andes Mountains from Santiago?
A. Two days
B. Two hours
C. Seven hours
D. Can’t get there by car
2. What makes grape growing possible in the Mendoza region?
A. A series of irrigation channels
B. Eight hours from the Atlantic Ocean
C. Low winter temperature
D. The exchange rate with the U.S. Dollar
3. Typical summer temperatures in The Mendoza can get how high?
A. 75 F
B. 105 F
C. 90 F
D. 65 F
4. What is the nominated appellation south of Mendoza city known for its red wines?
A. San Rafael
B. San Ramon
C. San Salavador
D. Santa Claus
5. What is the higher, cooler region of the Mendoza that is best known for white wines?
A. Luton
B. Lujan
C. La Rioja
D. Cordoba
6. What is the name of the grape brought from Argentina that was cultivated by the Spanish Missionaries in Texas in the 1600s?
A. Carioca
B. Cava Cava
C. Criollo
D. Catamarca
7. Identify the one grape variety in the following list that is not grown in the Mendoza.
A. Cabernet Sauvignon
B. Riesling
C. Blanc du Bois
D. Malbec
8. The average elevation of The Mendoza region is approximately:
A. 1200 feet
B. 1800 feet
C. 3000 feet
D. 4500 feet

Answers to Quiz:
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. C
Hey Russ, thanks for the quiz–very fun and very informative.