Texas Gets Coonawarra Envy….
Just a short post today, but it is something important. A few days ago, I blogged on the terrior of the Texas High Plains at: https://vintagetexas.com/?p=387
In response, a half a world away (but virtually in our backyard), Aussie wine writer PHILIP WHITE responded to my blog on his blog (Drinkster) as follows:
White wrote, “Texas has up and got Coonawarra envy….”
He continued by saying, “Another freaky blog in the Jesus’ birthday period came from Houston wineslinger, Doc Russ Kane. His scholarly piece is at vintagetexas. I reckon I met Russ and his wife Delia Cuellar over a pit in the Flinders Rangers the year the Space Shuttle exploded. The pit had three big kangaroos in it.”
To see the complete exchange comparing and contrasting Aussie’s Coonawarra “Terra Rosa” and Texas High Plains “Tierra Roja”….
Go to https://vintagetexas.com/?p=387 and review the comments section at the bottom of the page.
I think that we are on to something here……the Texas High Plains Terroir – “Tierra Roja”

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