Know Your Terroir – Can you Name Them? The Answers
The last two blog posts tested your knowledge of the famous terroirs of the wine world. The correct answers are as follows:
1 – Mendoza, Argentina
2 – Coonawarra, Australia
3 – Priorat, Spain
4 – Tuscany, Italy
5 – Châteauneuf-du-Pâpe, France
6 – Rutherford, Napa Valley
7 – Bordeaux, France
8 – Mosel, Germany
9 – Burgundy, Champagne and the Loire Valley, France
10 – Alsace, France
The top contributors from the responses provided to are as follows:
Renee Baker, Chandler, TX
Don Pullum, Akasic Vineyards, Mason, Texas
Stacy Woods, Worcester MA
Renee Baker also gets an honorable mention for suggesting similarities between these famous terroir and the terroirs found in Texas:
1. Mendoza, Argentina – Texas High Plains – average elevation 3500′- dry days – cool nights
2. Coonawarra, Australia – Texas High Plains – iron rich red dirt over limestone outcrops(note: Tiera Roja)
3. Priorat, Spain – Davis Mountains – volcanic soils, mountainous slopes
4. Tuscany, Italy – Hill Country – porous calcite, low nutrient soils, rocky terrain, cool nights
5. Chateauneuf-du-Pape – Fredericksburg – rocky, free draining soil, near river
6. Rutherford, Napa Valley – Texoma AVA – near the Red River with sandy loam
7. Bordeaux, France – Texas High Plains – caliche or cap rock, rocky gravel, disolved mineral below the surface
8. Mosel, Germany – Davis Mountains – formed by volcanic activity, steep inclines protecting vines from harsh weather
9. Burgundy, Champagne and the Loire Valley, France – Texas Hill Country – limestone, calciferous soils, heavy fossil/minerals
10. Alsace, France – Fredericksburg – known for granite domes, stoney and free draining

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