Local Wine Can be Riveting
Buying local wine is the theme of a terrific new poster created by artist Joanna Purdy for Fox Run Vineyards that may be adapted to any part of the country. The poster is reminiscent of those during World War II appealing to self-help and community spirit, and may be seen at www.foxrunvineyards.com. The first 500printed copies of the poster have been funded by Finger Lakes Wine Country Tourism Marketing Association. For more information on adapting the poster locally, contact Leslie Kroeger at Fox Run (leslie@foxrunvineyards.com, 800-636-9786).
2009 Drink Local Wine Conference and Texas Taste-Off
More information and registration for the upcoming 2009 Drink Local Wine Conference and Texas Twitter Taste-Off to be held in Dallas, Texas on August 15, 2009 at:
See you there!

Thanks for sharing the information on wine. Being a wine lover, I enjoyed going through your blog. Keep it up the good work.