A Bit of Texas High Plains Wine Legacy: Staked Plains Winery
Text from: Llano Estacado Website (click here). Photograph of bottle taken in the McPherson Cellars tasting room (May 2012).
- 1975: Llano Estacado Winery charted in Lubbock, Texas.
- 1976: Llano Estacado officially opens in January. First bottle of wine placed underneath cornerstone, taken from Lubbock’s first courthouse. Production: 1,300 cases.
- 1977: Llano Estacado bottles its first wines (Cibola Blanca and Cibola Roja) under the “Staked Plains” label.
Trivia question: Who started this winery? Who made this wine?

I used to pour the Staked Plains red and white out of 1.5’s for $3.00 a glass in 1980 at a wine bar I managed on Greenville Avenue The cost was$17.00 a case (of 6)
So did you taste the wine, Russ?