Opens Warehouse in Houston Area and Gets Permit to Operate/Ship Wine in Texas
As reported by the Austin American Statesman and flagged by @TXwinecountry…
The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission has cleared to resume shipping to its 30,000 customers across Texas, putting an end to a permitting dispute that halted sales here back in October.
State laws block out-of-state resellers from doing business in Texas, TABC has said, but San Francisco-based was able to obtain a different kind of permit — one usually issued to wineries — after setting up a warehouse operation in the Houston area.
“The way it was resolved was in a win-win fashion,” CEO Rich Bergsund said. “The TABC was very helpful, business-minded and practical.”
Though the company doesn’t produce its own wines, TABC said meets all the legal standards to obtain a winery permit, including a federal Winemaker’s and Blender’s Basic Permit issued by the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, a part of the Department of the Treasury.
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