“Big Bottle Boy” (@TXwineLover) Celebrates Opening His 6-Liter Bottle of Gold Medal Winning Texas Muscat Blanc

Jeff Cope (TXwineLover) aka "Big Bottle Boy"

“Big Bottle Boy” (@TXWineLover) Celebrates Opening His 6-Liter Bottle of Gold Medal Winning Texas Muscat Blanc

A grand time was had by all last night with Jeff (@TXwineLover) and Gloria as Jeff opened his large format (6 Liter) bottle of Gold Medal Winning Texas Muscat Blanc. You can “see” the video of the festivities by clicking the link below:


Not really! But, you may recall that in a previous VintageTexas blog post, I talked about my visit to Caldwell Family Vineyards and Winery, at their central Houston winemaking facilities. It’s where I first met up with its owner and winemaker Chris Caldwell. The man’s got talent…no doubt about it. In this year’s 2011 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo International Wine Competition, his 2010 Texas Eaglefire Muscat Blanc (Texas) won a gold medal in a field of 30+ other white wines (despite the fact that he barely had time to get it in the bottle). In rodeo terms, the award was Reserve Class Champion and Texas Class Champion in the “Other Dry White Category.

During the winery visit Jeff Cope (@TXWineLover) pointed to a large 6-liter bottle of the Eaglefire Texas 2010 Mucsat Blanc (the 2011 Houston Rodeo gold medal winner from above) setting out on the table and said “Did you see my bottle of wine”. At first, I didn’t follow his thought, but quickly realized that he’d placed a winning bid for the big bottle of award winning wine. It was proudly displayed along with the Houston Rodeo belt buckle (Chris’s property) that signified the medal status of this wine.

Well, last night Jeff did the honors. It wasn’t exactly as bombastic as the bashing of a saki barrel, but Jeff had the flare of a true Texas wine aficionado. With his corkscrew  firmly inserted into the massive cork, he opened the bottle to the whoops and applause of his friends. Also in attendence were @TXwineGeek and @Purplejules.

Chris Caldwell was there too and he helped with the two person pour from Jeff’s super big bottle. Obviously, both were proud for the moment.

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Click here for more about Chris’s winemaking exploits at Caldwell Family Vineyards and Winery that is now transitioning to Eaglefire Winery and Vineyards (but still located in central Houston). Gosh, I love that name – Eaglefire!

Caldwell Vineyards to Eaglefire Winery
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About admin 824 Articles
Love to taste, talk and tweet about Texas wines and where they are in the global scheme for wines. After all that's the only way they will reach the full potential.


  1. “Big Bottle Boy”? Great, a new nickname. 😉 FYI, that magnum got finished quickly (I thought I was going to have to store some later) and we estimate another 10-15 regular size bottles were also opened. Thanks to everybody for helping drink it!

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