On the Road to Texsom VII – Texas Sommeliers and Beverage Conference 2011
Everything starts tomorrow at Texsom 2011 (www.texsom.com), THE TEXAS wine and beverage conference being held for the 7th time this weekend. It will at the Four Seasons Resort and Club, Las Colinas Dallas.
I am planning to hit the road shortly for the DFW Metroplex to join the cast of hundreds (sommeliers, wine and restaurant trade, and aficionados) who are interested to learn more about:
- Social Media
- Wines of Spain
- Grenache
- Red Burgundy
- Chenin Blanc
- Beverage Management
- Bordeaux
- And more….
The program starts Saturday with an all-day program on social media, blogging and traditional media. Tastings and educational sessions run Sunday and Monday (many of the presenters and panelists are Master Sommeliers and Masters of Wine certified) with the conference closing with a grand tasting Monday evening. During this weekend, here will also be an introductory level 1 Sommelier class and exam, and a “best sommelier” competition.
The program for the most part is sold out. However, you can monitor the hot/cool teaching and tasting action from afar by following it on Twitter using the conference hashtag #TEXSOM. Additionally, several attendees will be blogging short posts on a Texsom Conference blog at:
Interestingly, it was at Texsom 2008 that I got my blogging legs under me for the first time. I had just started this blog and was excited that I reached the lofty heights of 5,000 page views a month. You can see one of my early attempts at field blogging at https://vintagetexas.com/?p=18. You can tell how early this was in my blogging “career” by the incredibly low number of the post – 18! As I look back at it now, the writing seems pretty thin, but it was a start and from there, I developed my voice and writing style used in my upcoming book on the Texas wine experience – The Wineslinger Chronicles.
So, if can’t be there, please find time to follow some of the action on Twitter and the Wine Blogger Unite blog, and my comments right here at VintageTexas. As usual, my take on things will be what it tells me in terms of understanding our own wine experience in Texas and especially Texas Terroir.

Looks like a great weekend.