Virginia’s Ag Secretary Haymore Calls Out Texas for Cutting Wine Budget
“Two of our closest competitors in the US, New York State and Texas, are actually cutting their wine marketing and education budgets and cutting back the things they are doing to support their industry. It doesn’t make any sense to us but we’re not arguing. If they want to take those steps backwards, that’s all for the better of Virginia. We are committed to growing this industry.” Quote from Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry Todd Haymore, Virginia.
Proprietor Kirk Wiles welcomes Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry Todd Haymore and other dignitaries to celebrate the opening of the new tasting facility at Paradise Springs Winery. The winery is located in Clifton Virginia and last year received the Governors Cup for White Wines for their 2009 Chardonnay. Virgina’s Secretary of Agriculture Haymore calls out Texas for Cutting Wine Budget. Click here to watch the video on
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