Wine and Foot Pairing. Yes…You Heard Me Right!
If you’ve followed this blog recently, you’ve heard about the first-of-its-kind Edible Texas Wine and Food Pairing Competition (See: Well, tonight I’ve got something else in mind, but equally novel. It’s wine and foot pairing. Based on my quick Google search, there is not much out there on the subject. Again, I seem to be on the cutting edge.
As shown above, wine and feet do have a long and historical affinity. Through the ages, the feet of men, women and even children were used to extract the blood of the grape to start the winemaking process. However, this is not what I had in mind tonight.
Actually, the thought started previously today in the early light of dawn while I was in a pre-coffee state. I was walking barefooted in my urban Houston living room. My aim was set on our iPod Internet radio for my morning fix of NPR news from San Antonio station KSTX. Suddenly, I was startled by a pain radiating from my second toe on my right foot as it struck the stand for my conga drums. You think that’s a weird place for congas? Doesn’t everybody have a set of congas in their living room. Come on now!
Well, by noon, the first joint of my toe was starting to turn from red to purple. Then, by four o-clock in the afternoon, the purpleness was moving up my toe toward my foot. By eight o’clock in the evening, it was throbbing and needed some relief. Aleve was my drug of choice.
As I sat in my favorite living room chair with my foot elevated, I realized that I had an opportunity to do the first-of-its-kind wine and foot pairing. With my toe taking on a deep purple hue, I got up and went to the pantry to retrieve my stock of Port-style wines. I painstakingly compared the color of my toe to the color of each of these thick sweet wines, then settled on my drink of choice: Messina Hof Paulo Port. It offered its deep rich purple color in much the same hue as my toe and, after a few more sips, the warm sweet wine brought a calm to my aching foot.
While seated again in my favorite chair and my leg raised comfortably. I raised a toast, first to my good friend, Mr. Toe, which I’ve known and been attached to for a long time now. Secondly, I savored a bit of the Port wine. Then, I raised another toast to commemorate the first ever recorded wine and foot pairing. Cheers!

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