Holiday Time is Always the Right Time for Sharing The Wineslinger Chronicles

Books are always in fashion, a perfect gift for those that share your love of life and love of wine. The holiday season is also the perfect time to share a book with a special friend or family member. Books, and the stories they contain, can enlighten and instill an appreciation of the pioneering spirit and wine history evolving in Texas, the fifth-largest wine-producing state in America. For those in Texas and many beyond this state’s boundaries, the best gift of all is a copy of Russ Kane’s seminal Texas wine book, The Wineslinger Chronicles: Texas on the Vine.

The Wineslinger Chronicles has received critical worldwide acclaim for its literary, historical, and engaging treatment of the Texas wine experience starting with its beginnings with the first vineyards planted in what would later become Texas (near present-day El Paso) in the 1660s, then the period of emigrant farmer/winemakers in the 1880’s, the devastation of Prohibition, the true story of how Texas native grapevines and a Texas horiculturalist saved the whole European wine industry, and finally Texas’s growth into a modern wine region in just the past 40 years. Readers and wine experts alike have said that Russ’s stories made them feel like they were there in person to experience memorable and historic events, talk with the prime-movers in the Texas wine experience, and taste internationally award-winning wines that have made Texas one of the fastest-growing and appreciated wine-producing regions in America.

Russ Kane – aka Doc Russ Texas Wineslinger

See several comments below…

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“Doc Russ is the kind of guy who can mix blues, barbecue, and Barbera in a truly Texan way, and as he writes I can smell the mesquite smoke, hear the wailing guitar and chew the High Plains ripe red fruit. Right on Russ!” —Oz Clarke, author of Pocket Wine Book and 250 Best Wines Wine Buying Guide

“With wine now made in all fifty states, the gift of the gods is on the way to becoming a national drink. In The Wineslinger Chronicles, Russ Kane tells the tale of Texas wine in an educational, friendly style. . . . So sit back and enjoy both Texas wines and Kane’s book.” George M. Taber, author of Judgment of Paris

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Find out why Doc Russ saya, “Texas isn’t Bordeaux and it sure as hell ain’t Burgundy, but it IS the Mediterranean of the whole dang USA when it comes to wine!” Enjoy reading The Wineslinger Chronicles with any of the following wines that have been acclaimed on the world stage: Tempranillo, Tannat, GSM blend, Sangiovese, Roussanne, Viognier, Marsanne, and many more.

Click here for more information and how to order an autographed and personalized copy of The Wineslinger Chronicles. Otherwise, you can also find it on as either hard or softbound or Kindle book.

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About admin 822 Articles
Love to taste, talk and tweet about Texas wines and where they are in the global scheme for wines. After all that's the only way they will reach the full potential.

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