Great Grape Stomp Off in New Braunfels, Texas (and Win Free Tickets)
Hosted by the Texas Hill Country Wineries and Vintage Oaks at the Vineyard, this annual event allows couples to test their foot stomping and juice grinding abilities. The event will be open to over 100 teams scheduled to crush over 1,000 pounds of grapes! Bring your own team to stomp, taste and explore! Arrive early to register for the grape stomp competition conducted by Dry Comal Creek Vineyards!
Not up for stomping, then come for the wine featuring award-winning Texas wineries pouring the best they have to offer. Food, games, and live music also make the event festive for all ages. Saturday, September, 12, 2009. 12 p.m. – 6 p.m. Tickets available at or at the gate – $25/adult or $10/ages 12 – 21. Children under 11 are free. Every ticket affords you the following:
– Admission to the Grape Stomp event
– $10 Value in Tasting Coupons
– A Charitable Donation to the Comal Education Foundation
The FIRST 400 online adult ticket purchasers will receive a FREE stemless wine glass compliments of The Texas Department of Agriculture! Event to be held at Vintage Oaks at the Vineyard at the Amenity Center, 1110 Vintage Way, New Braunfels, Texas, 78132.
Win Free Tickets to this event on – Send us a short description (up to 150 words) of your favorite vineyard/winery/home grape harvesting experience. The winners will be selected to receive a set of two tickets for the Great Grape Stomp Off event. That is a $50 value – each ticket is worth $25. Two winners will be chosen (two tickets for each winner) and they will receive a winners certificate by email and their tickets will be at ‘will call’ at the event. Post your best grape harvest experience in the comments section of this blog (CLick on blog title or icon in upper right or go to Winners will be noftified by Tuesday, September 8, 2009. Email addresses will be held in confidence and not published with comment, and will only be used to notify the winners.

Wine stomping story – For a close friends birthday a few of us decided to go stomp grapes for the first time. Because it was all our first time – and it was to celebrate a birthday my girlfriend and I decided to make t-shirts to honor the birthday girl. The grape stomping event took place in Brenham and was called “Crush for Fun” – so we made shirts that said “Crushin’ 4 Christina” on them. (The birthday girl has the same name as me.) The shirt we made for the honoree said “Just like wine I improve with age”.
We all had a blast. They allowed us to go to the vineyards to pick our our grapes – then we dropped them in a barrel and got to stompin’! It was a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon and quite a memorable experience. And we all still have the t-shirts we made to remember it by!
I’ve posted photos on Flickr of our adventures – please take a look!
The contest is coming to an end as I have been traveling in the Italian Piemonte and French Provence.
Write about your harvest experiences at:
and you might win free tickets to the Texas Hill Coountry Grape Stomp.