Writers, Bloggers and Enthusiasts Get Ready for the 6th Annual Regional Wine Week – October 6-12, 2013
Drink Local Wine will hold its sixth annual Regional Wine Week from October 6th to 12th, where wine writers, bloggers and enthusiasts share information about wine from lesser known wine regions throughout the country — providing a one-stop shop to see what’s cutting edge in regional wine.
The fifth annual regional wine week, held last year in November, linked dozens of stories and blog posts about wine produced in more than half of the other wine states (besides California, Oregon, and Washington). Yes, there ARE other wine producing states…46 or 47 of them depending how you count!
This year’s bonus -– We’ll be announcing a special contest people can enter to win wine-related prizes. The announcement may be viewed at http://www.drinklocalwine.com.
During Regional Wine Week, writers from across the United States are asked to post stories to their blogs, Web sites, magazines, and newspapers about their favorite regional and local wines, wineries and events. Then, send us a link to the post, and our website will aggregate the stories, providing a snapshot of regional wine. Over the past four years, writers from across the country have covered dozens of states’ wine industries.
Regional Wine Week is open to anyone –- from professional wine writers to wine enthusiasts with Facebook pages or Tumblr sites. You can submit stories about anything related to wineries, winemakers and wines from anywhere in North America (though we prefer not to include areas like Napa and Sonoma, since they already get enough attention).
For information about Regional Wine Week or to submit a story link, please click here to email DrickLocalWine.com.
We’re looking forward to another great year. Please help us spread the word about regional wines.

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