Texas Wineries Grow Up, Beat the Heat, Seek Their Own Styles
Review by John Mariani
Bloomberg.com — Before you start scratching your head over the idea that Texas even makes wine, consider these stats: Texas is the fifth-largest grape- and wine-producing state in the U.S., with more than 220 family-owned vineyards in a $1 billion industry. It has eight appellations of origin, including the Hill Country Viticultural Area spread over 15,000 square miles in 22 counties — the second-largest in the U.S. The state produces more than 2 million gallons of wine annually.
Still, the odds that most wine lovers have ever tasted a Texas wine outside the state are remote. Ninety-five percent gets consumed locally, and a significant amount is sold only at the wineries. Getting a national distributor for names like Prairie Rotie, Boar Doe, Kick-Butt Cab, Super Texan, El Guapo and Scheming Beagle isn’t exactly easy.
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