… These classes with the certification authority from the Texas Wine School provide you enhanced Texas wine enjoyment through knowledge and historical insights with a real wine school certification. Nothing to sell you except wine classes, certification and a more fulfilling tasting experience from “The Man who Wrote the Book on Texas wine, Both of Them.”
According to Dr. Russ Kane, course creator and lecturer for The Texas Wine School, “We’ve had a phenomenal response for my first Level 2 Advanced Specialist of Texas Wine Course being held via Zoom starting Wednesday, April 12th. It was sold out in less than a month and we are already planning a second advanced class in the Fall. Also, to handle those without Level 1 STW certification, we have added another Level 1 certification class starting on May 10th.”

New Level 1 Certification Class with New Format
For this Level 1 class, the wine school has made it quicker and easier for you to get certified by using a new format based on two three-hour classes rather than three two-hour sessions. Wine for group tasting are sent to students by the Texas Wine School and copies of all presentation slides and education resources are provide via a student Dropbox.” Click here for more Level 1 information and registration.
Paid Level 1 students also receive a copy of Dr. Kane’s widely acclaimed book, The Wineslinger Chronicles: Texas on the Vine.

Level 2 Advanced Texas Wine Certification
The advanced Level 2 Specialist of Texas Wine certification course is an intensive four class educational opportunity that dives deep into many of the important topics needed to understand Texas as a wine growing regions, what it is and isn’t, and its wines of distinction. Feed back on the Level 2 wine blending exercise has been very positive. Due to the tremendous acceptance of the Level 2 advanced course, we have scheduled another Level 1 class in May for those needing it for the Level 2 prerequisite and another are currently planning another Level 2 advanced class for Fall of this year. Click here for more Level 2 information.
Paid Level 2 students also receive a copy of Jim Kamas’s book, Growing Grapes in Texas.
Best of All
These Specialist of Texas Wine courses are provided live via Zoom. Six Level 1 wines and 6-8 Level 2 wines are provided to students by the Texas Wine School. This, along with the level Zoom format for presentation and Q&A, allows you to increase your knowledge and become a certified specialist from the relaxed comfort of your home.
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Your Instructor
Your instructor, who is also the course developer, is Dr. Russ Kane, who is the longest tenured Texas wine writer and has followed the evolution of the modern Texas wine industry and spent time researching its founding moments going back 350 years. He is also an award-winning Texas writer, author, Vintage Texas blogger, and knowledgeable and internationally traveled wine enthusiast.
Dr. Kane has also served on the board of the Texas Wine and Grape Growers Association and honored with their Wine Media Award in in 2009 and 2013, served on the board and as Executive Director of The Wine Society of Texas, judged in many international wine competitions, and was a member of the Texas Department of Agriculture’s Wine Industry Development Advisory Committee.
Dr. Kane is an independent authority and is not (and has never been) associated commercially with any Texas winery or related commercial entity. With Dr. Kane, you will get the “unfiltered and unfined” reality of Texas wine benefiting from his 25 years of experience.

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