Write Off the Vine: Texas Wine News – March 13, 2009
WineFoot.com Picks 2007 Becker Vineyards Viognier – Texas Rocks It
Posted on 26 February 2009
Winery Website: www.beckervineyards.com
So many of us out here on the west-coast think that California, Oregon and Washington are where it’s all at for domestic wine and I am sure there are plenty of good reasons for that school of thought. However, most would be surprised to know that the state of Texas is the fifth-largest wine-producing state in the country and some of the wines coming out of that region are ones all of us should be paying attention to.
Viognier seems to do well in the summer tempuratures of this region and is a grape that should be fully ripe when picked. The hot summer months help ripen the grape and of course the dirt plays a part in helping to shape the flavor profile of it as well.
More at: http://www.winefoot.com/index.php/tag/texas-wine/
Vintage Oaks “Tour and Taste” to Feature Homes and Wines on the Texas Hill Country Wine Trail
Vintage Oaks at the Vineyard will host “Tour and Taste”, a free one-day event combining model home tours with wine tasting on the Texas Hill Country Wine Trail.
The event is Saturday, March 21, from 12pm – 5pm at Vintage Oaks, located near New Braunfels and across from Dry Comal Creek Vineyards.
Tanji Patton, local wine and food celebrity journalist, will make an appearance. Guests who visit all seven homes will be eligible for a Grand Prize drawing for a one-day Wine Tasting Excursion on the Texas Hill Country Wine Trail.
“We invite everyone to come out and experience the distinctive Texas wine country lifestyle that is unique to Vintage Oaks at the Vineyard,” said Brice McBeth of Bluegreen Communities, the developer of Vintage Oaks and seven other Texas communities.
For more information and to pre-register, visit www.vintageoakstexas.com/tourandtaste or call 800-716-4243.
Rodeo’s wine auction feels squeeze of economy
Winners’ wine sells for less than half as much as last year’s bottles
Houston Chronicle – March 7, 2009, 10:29PM
Latest rodeo pictures Getting ready to rodeo Fans take to the streets Runners join festivities Share childhood rodeo memories Bar-B-Que Contest Calendar of events, other info Wine sales appear to be the latest victim of the recession.
Bottles auctioned off at this year’s Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Champion Wine Auction went for less than half as much as award-winners during last year’s record-setting event.
More at: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/6299584.html
Last Call to Enter: Free Messina Hof Winery Private Tour and Tasting for Twenty Giveaway Offer
Only Two more Hours – Deadline for response is Friday, March 13, 2009.
Qualify to win a Free Private Tour and Tasting at Messina Hof Winery and Resort, Compliments of Paul and Merrill Bonarrigo by answering the following questions:
1. Have you been to Messina Hof Winery and Resort? Yes ____; No ____.
2. What types of wine events do you like? _____________________
3. Age _____ years; Male or Female ______
4. Where do you buy your wines? _______________________
5. List your favorite three grape varieties.
6. List your favorite three wine brands.
7. How many bottles per month do you buy? ______ Approx. cost per bottle ______.
Tour and Tasting Description:
The Private Tour and Tasting for 20 people: Invite 20 of your favorite friends, family, or business associates to a day in Texas Wine Country. Enjoy the award winning wines of Messina Hof during a private tour tasting paired with fruit and cheeses. Messina Hof is located in the center of the state the same distance from Houston and Austin as Napa is from San Fransisco. It is like a trip to Europe without crossing the Atlantic!
How to Enter:
List your answers by number in the reply comment field at the bottom of the blog post at: https://vintagetexas.com/?p=596.
Deadline for response is Friday, March 13, 2009.
Winners of the Messina Hof Tour and Tasting will be selected by a drawing from list of people that successfully respond to all questions. The winner contacted by VintageTexas using the email address used in the reply. Names will be withheld and used only with permission.

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