October is Texas Wine Month, and Texas Hill Country Wineries is celebrating with a Passport event that lasts all month long. The Texas Wine Month Passport Event will be happening this year from October 1st through 31st at 47 wineries in the beautiful Texas Hill Country.
With a digital Event Passport, wine lovers can taste at up to four wineries per day over the course of the month, as well as receive exclusive discounts on bottle purchases.
Passport tickets are valid for the entire month of October. $5 of each ticket sold goes directly to the Texas Hill Country Wine Industry Scholarship Fund. Over the last five years, $49,000 has been awarded to over 30 Texas students working towards a degree in Viticulture, Enology and Hospitality through the fund.
More information, the list of participating wineries and the ticket sales link can be found here. We’d appreciate it if you would share this with your readers and followers!

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