Denise’s classes start on Tuesday evening, October 15 via Zoom and run on three consecutive Tuesdays with classes, tastings and a certification test the final evening. Students will receive a copy of Dr. Russ Kane’s book, “The Wineslinger Chronicles: Texas on the Vine”, that was made part of The Grover E. Murray Culture in the American Southwest book series. The class will also feature guest presenters actively involved in Texas wineries.
This course will cover:
- Details of each wine region, including location, geologic history, soils, climate and leading grape varieties grown in the region
- The evolution of Texas winemaking from its early Spanish and immigrant European period (1600-1800) and early post-Prohibition (1940-1990) and modern period (1990-present), with a focus on winemaking techniques and grape varieties
- The links and contrasts between Texas wines and their old & new world counterparts through lectures and guided tastings with benchmark wines.

The program concludes with an opportunity to test your knowledge of the wines, regions, and laws on an exam. The credential and a lapel pin will be awarded to those students that pass the rigorous exam at the end of the classes with a score of 80% or higher.
Sign up now on the Texas Wine School’s website – click here.

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