Beautiful western belt buckles and gold, silver and bronze medals will be awarded to Texas-made, non-commercial wines at the 15th Annual Texas State-Wide Non-Commercial Wine Competition hosted by the Austin County Fair and Presented by the Gulf Coast Winegrowers Association.

The Wine Show closes out the Austin County Fair on Oct. 15 in the American Legion Hall on the Fair grounds and is the only State-wide, non-commercial wine competition presented by a County Fair in Texas. The Show awards medals in eight entry categories with Overall Grand and Reserve Champion and Austin County Grand Champion Belt Buckles.
What better way to “Wine Down the Austin County Fair” than for aspiring wine makers from ANYWHERE in Texas to have the opportunity to win championship belt buckles, class medals and bragging rights in a competition that utilizes blind wine tastings by 10 distinguished judges representing top educators in the field of Enology and Viticulture,
commercial wine grape growers and winemakers as well as industry related media/bloggers and individuals.

Winning wines in eight categories are awarded gold, silver and bronze medals with all Gold Medal awarded wines eligible for one of three traditional Austin County Fair Belt Buckles for Overall Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion selected from ALL gold medal awarded wines and the Austin County Grand Champion, awarded to the best Austin County produced wine.
Texas grape growers and wineries are increasingly being recognized around the world for the quality of their wines and whether you are interested in starting down that path or just want to showcase your skills as a home winemaker this is your chance to earn serious Texas bragging rights.

The Wine Show will be held at the Austin County Fairgrounds in the American Legion Hall, 988 E. Main, Bellville, TX. Judging (closed to the public) begins at 12:30 pm with the Hall opening to the public after the judging (approximately 3:30 till 5:00pm) for the presentation of awards, a winemakers meet & greet and free tastings of all entered wines. Parking and admission to the Fair and Wine Show is FREE on that day. Winners do not need to be present to receive awards.

Early entry and day-of-show registration and submission of wines is available. For a complete set of rules, entry form, registration and wine submittal dates and locations, click here or go to https://austin.agrilife.org/wine/ or contact Paul Darst, Gulf Coast Winegrowers Association Wine Show Committee Chair (email: pauldarst@darstranchvineyards.com) or Stacie Villarreal, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Agent – Austin County (email: stacie.villarreal@ag.tamu.edu).

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