Scott Hall of the Texas Under Vine Podcast stopped in to see me in Houston shortly after Hurricane Beryl hit. Luckily, after being without power for three days, the electricity got restored and Scott and I had a good conversation. We discussed some of my experiences on the wonderful journey I’ve taken traveling Texas and writing about the great people, places and events associated with the Texas wine industry.

Scott’s website for Texas Under Vine can be found at: http://www.texasundervine.com and I wanted to share it with my blog audience. The links to the the episode on the “Life and Times of Doc Russ, Texas Wineslinger” are:

Again, I want to thank Scott Hall for taking the time to come down to Houston for this visit and discussion, and also for editing the audio and video segments and posting them on his podcast. Please follow the links and I hope you enjoy joy listing or watching it was much as I’ve enjoyed through the years experiencing Texas wine, meeting it’s movers and shakers, and digging into its history from the Spanish missionary period, through the European immigrant period, and to the modern period that we have today.

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